We are in deep mourning. On January 5th, Dr Julia Cissewski, founding member and chair of Orang-Utans in Not e.V. and valued colleague at the Max Planck Institute, passed away unexpectedly.

With her commitment, her professional expertise in the field of primate research and her unwavering drive, she shaped the association. Always guided by the intention to make the world a little better. Dr Cissewski chaired the association for 17 years, gave it visibility and effectiveness and inspired people with her passionate and personable manner for the protection of orangutans and the rainforest. For this tireless commitment, Dr. Julia Cissewski received the Goldene Bild der Frau in 2017 and was honored with the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2022.
The association was her passion and her life. We are shocked that this wonderful and lovable person was taken from us so unexpectedly. Our condolences go out to all friends and colleagues and especially to her partner Prof. Greville Corbett.
In silent mourning
The team from Orang-Utans in Not e.V.