Information membership
You would like to become a member of Orangutans in Peril?
The minimum annual membership fee is €20.00 for individuals and €50.00 for companies/organizations.
Here you find the online form (German only).
You would like to become a member of Orangutans in Peril?
The minimum annual membership fee is €20.00 for individuals and €50.00 for companies/organizations.
Here you find the online form (German only).
Deutscher Platz 6
D-04103 Leipzig
E-Mail: kontakt (at)
Telephone: +49341-3550812
Recipient: Orang-Utans in Not e.V.
Bank: GLS Bank
IBAN: DE88 4306 0967 1128 2429 00
Orang-Utans in Not e.V. is recognized as a non-profit organization by the Leipzig II tax office. Your donation is tax deductible. If you need a donation receipt, please note your address under “reason for payment” when making the transfer.