Environmental education in Germany

Presentation for adults

Our 45-minute presentations give information on the life of great apes and how they are endangered. We focus on destruction of the rainforest for palm oil plantations, present current research findings and discuss prospects for sustainability …

Presentation for adults in a seminar room.

Kindergarden projects

We take preschool children on an adventure tour around the world. Our orangutan hand puppet Ginting helps them discover the great apes and their natural habitats. We also discuss endangerment of the great apes. Zoo excursions allow the young adventurers to apply their newly-acquired knowledge.

A group of elementary school children stand around a table with upturned cups which are used for a study.

Project days and project weeks at school

Under the title Rainforest for breakfast?! we offer school children a day or a week program on how our consumer choices contribute to the destruction of the habitat of the great apes. Besides basic information on chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos, and chimpanzees, palm oil is a central topic here.

Audience at an environmental education seminar.

Information stands

Information stands make our organization more visible to the public, giving information about our work and explaining the endangerment of orangutans and the loss of their habitat.

An Orangutans in Peril information stand with visitors.

Teaching materials

Free download of teaching materials on the great apes, rainforests and related research:


Susann Jänig
umweltbildung (at) ouin.de
+49 (0)152 04179900

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