
Florian Thome

How much rainforest is being destroyed? (10.06.2020)

How much rainforest is being destroyed? (10.06.2020) Primary forests in the tropics are declining at an accelerating rate according to analysis of satellite data released last week by the University of Maryland (UMD) and World Resources Institute (WRI). Since 2002, the tropics lost more than 60 million hectares of primary forests, an area larger than […]

How much rainforest is being destroyed? (10.06.2020) Read More »

Palmölindustrie: Ein Dorf in Indonesien trauert um das verlorene Land (05.06.2020)

Palmölindustrie: Ein Dorf in Indonesien trauert um das verlorene Land (05.06.2020) Die Bewohner von Rukam verkauften 2002 ihr Land an eine Palmölfirma. Sie hofften auf Wohlstand – doch er blieb aus. Stattdessen sind Wälder zerstört und Fischbestände verschwunden. Einige wollen das Blatt nun wenden. Zum Artikel

Palmölindustrie: Ein Dorf in Indonesien trauert um das verlorene Land (05.06.2020) Read More »

Papuan farmer dies after alleged police assault at palm oil company (22.05.2020)

Papuan farmer dies after alleged police assault at palm oil company (22.05.2020) Activists in the Indonesian province of Papua are demanding an investigation into the death of an indigenous man who was reportedly assaulted by a police officer after complaining about his farm being cleared by a major palm oil company. Zum Artikel (Englisch)

Papuan farmer dies after alleged police assault at palm oil company (22.05.2020) Read More »

Palm Oil Deforestation: A Threat to Orangutan Populations, Indigenous People and Biodiversity (27.04.2020)

Palm Oil Deforestation: A Threat to Orangutan Populations, Indigenous People and Biodiversity (27.04.2020) The California fires in November 2018 were more severe than ever and yet – the amount of forest that was lost in the combined fires makes up only a fraction of Indonesian forest that is burned every year in slash-and-burn practices to

Palm Oil Deforestation: A Threat to Orangutan Populations, Indigenous People and Biodiversity (27.04.2020) Read More »

Palm oil giant Wilmar quits High Carbon Stock Approach citing governance issues (03.04.2020)

Palm oil giant Wilmar quits High Carbon Stock Approach citing governance issues (03.04.2020) The world’s largest palm oil trader says a failure to fairly review an objection to its co-chairing the HCSA prompted its resignation. Greenpeace suspects that Wilmar is quitting to avoid close scrutiny of its no-deforestation commitments. Zum Artikel (Englisch)

Palm oil giant Wilmar quits High Carbon Stock Approach citing governance issues (03.04.2020) Read More »

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