
Florian Thome

Offener Brief an First Resources Ltd.

Offener Brief an First Resources Ltd. Die indonesische Firma PT Wahana Prima Sejati (eine Tochtergesellschaft des internationalen Konzerns First Resources Ltd.) ist durch den Bau einer Palmölraffinerie und Biodieselfabrik verantwortlich für die Zerstörung der Balikpapan-Bucht, eines der artenreichsten Gebiete der Küste Borneos. Viele Hektar Regenwald wurden bereits gerodet, und das, obwohl der Mutterkonzern First Resources

Offener Brief an First Resources Ltd. Read More »

Rape, abuses in palm oil fields linked to top beauty brands (19.11.2020)

Rape, abuses in palm oil fields linked to top beauty brands (19.11.2020) With his hand clamped tightly over her mouth, she could not scream, the 16-year-old girl recalls – and no one was around to hear her anyway. She describes how her boss raped her amid the tall trees on an Indonesian palm oil plantation

Rape, abuses in palm oil fields linked to top beauty brands (19.11.2020) Read More »

Palm oil giant Korindo accused again of illegally burning Papuan rainforest (12.11.2020)

Palm oil giant Korindo accused again of illegally burning Papuan rainforest (12.11.2020) Palm oil giant Korindo Group is alleged to have set fires to clear rainforest in Indonesia’s easternmost region of Papua, a practice that is banned by law. The allegation was raised by Greenpeace International and Forensic Architecture, a research group based at the

Palm oil giant Korindo accused again of illegally burning Papuan rainforest (12.11.2020) Read More »

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