
Aktuelles zur Thematik

Palm oil from Indonesian grower that burned forest is still being sold (19.06.2020)

Palm oil from a company that burned a pristine orangutan habitat in Sumatra has entered the global market due to an oversight, possibly ending up in products made by multinationals such as Nestlé and Mars, according to a new report.

How much rainforest is being destroyed? (10.06.2020)

Primary forests in the tropics are declining at an accelerating rate according to analysis of satellite data released last week by the University of Maryland (UMD) and World Resources Institute (WRI). Since 2002, the tropics lost more than 60 million hectares of primary forests, an area larger than the combined land mass of the states of California and Missouri or the island nation of Madagascar.

Palmölindustrie: Ein Dorf in Indonesien trauert um das verlorene Land (05.06.2020)

Die Bewohner von Rukam verkauften 2002 ihr Land an eine Palmölfirma. Sie hofften auf Wohlstand – doch er blieb aus. Stattdessen sind Wälder zerstört und Fischbestände verschwunden. Einige wollen das Blatt nun wenden.

Papuan farmer dies after alleged police assault at palm oil company (22.05.2020)

Activists in the Indonesian province of Papua are demanding an investigation into the death of an indigenous man who was reportedly assaulted by a police officer after complaining about his farm being cleared by a major palm oil company.

Virus Delays Orangutans’ Long Awaited Return Home (06.05.2020)

If one ape in the forest is infected, a whole population could be wiped out, experts say. So orangutans in Indonesia’s rehabilitation centers are staying where they are.

Corona-Pandemie - Wie das Virus auch Orang-Utans bedroht (06.05.2020)

Auch Orang-Utans können mit dem Virus infiziert werden, sagen Spezialisten. Für eine erst kürzlich entdeckte Art könnte es sogar das Ende bedeuten. Schutzstationen in Borneo und Sumatra versuchen zu helfen.

Why Is Palm Oil Such a Problem Now? (30.04.2020)

Palm oil has revolutionized the way we produce a variety of foods and cosmetics. But most people are unaware of how destructive this “magical ingredient” is to the natural environment.

Palm Oil Deforestation: A Threat to Orangutan Populations, Indigenous People and Biodiversity (27.04.2020)

The California fires in November 2018 were more severe than ever and yet – the amount of forest that was lost in the combined fires makes up only a fraction of Indonesian forest that is burned every year in slash-and-burn practices to clear palm oil plantations.

Hohe Strafen für Brandstifterfirma in Jambi (20.04.2020)

„Im Zweifel für die Natur“ hat ein Gericht in Indonesien geurteilt. Die Palmölfirma PT ATGA muss für Wald- und Torfbrände 2019 in einem Torfgebiet in Jambi 35 Millionen Euro Strafe bezahlen.

Palm oil giant Wilmar quits High Carbon Stock Approach citing governance issues (03.04.2020)

The world’s largest palm oil trader says a failure to fairly review an objection to its co-chairing the HCSA prompted its resignation. Greenpeace suspects that Wilmar is quitting to avoid close scrutiny of its no-deforestation commitments.

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